14 February 2013

Conference next week and other events

As a reminder, Jeff Bradshaw will be speaking the upcoming "Enoch and the Temple" Conference. The title of his presentation is "Ancient Affinities with the LDS Book of Enoch". Attendance is free. More information can be found at the Academy for Temple Studies and Mormon Interpreter sites.

Enoch and the Temple Conference
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Time: 4:30-7:00pm

Utah State University
Geology Building, Room 105
Logan, UT (map)
Friday, 22 February 2013
Time: 1:00-4:00pm

Brigham Young University
303 JRCB, Moot Court Room
Provo, UT (map)

If you can't make it to the conference next week, he also has a few other speaking engagements later this year:
  • BYU-Idaho University Forum (Thursday, 16 May 2013)
    "Assistive Systems: Technologies that help people do, sense, and think"
  • BYU Campus Education Week (19-23 August 2013)
    "Enoch, Noah, and the Tower of Babel"
  • 2013 Sidney B. Sperry Symposium on the Old Testament (25-26 October 2013)
    "The Tree of Life as the Veil of the Sanctuary"
More information can be found on his website, and will be posted as the dates approach.


  1. Hi Jeff--

    We are looking forward to being up there. Looks like the Logan location has been moved to Old Main Building, room 121.

  2. Thanks for the comment! Sorry I didn't get around to updating the location; I wasn't made aware of it until after the fact.
